Simple character/idol commission.
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Take the character/idol commission you want.
The confirmation is a simple commission with the first sketch.
Sample No. 1 Sketch Drawing (Head_Shoulder) - 20000
Sample No. 2 Character Drawing (Head_Shoulder) - 10000
Sample No. 2 Character Drawing (Cursing) - 13000
Sample No. 2 Character Drawing (Full Body) - 18000
/ Amount may be charged depending on additional details E
300dpi. PDF, JPEG, PNG all available
*It will take 7 days to finish (up to 10 days)
*It may be included in the sample after the commission is completed. (Please let me know if you don't want to.)
*Some genres (ex. Gore, etc.) are not accepted.
*After payment is completed, the operation will proceed.
*If the deadline exceeds the maximum, we will give you a full refund. Refunds are not available due to some changes of mind.
*We would appreciate it if you could provide us with reference photos related to the picture you want.
*It can't be used for commercial use, and I'd appreciate it if you could use it for personal use. (*I have the copyright.)
*Please contact us separately when outsourcing.
Please contact KAKAKAO for additional information.
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Profile Image NUNGNUNG

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